Lots of new stuff.


I want to start this post today by saying how nicely everything is shaping up to be. I've come a long way since the last version and have made major tweaks and changes. It's a long list but I'll try to be as detailed as possible when describing what is new and what the future will hold for this game. I should also stress how early this game is in its development stage, and doesn't even have an official name yet. For now, ill stick with "The Chosen One."

At the moment, "The Chosen One" is nothing more than a test room game to see how long you can keep your fully customized character alive. There are 8 skills you can choose to advance, each providing its own advantage to your survival. The game is unforgiving though, If you get your character in a sticky situation, you might find yourself ending the game and having to start from the beginning. There are many ways to approach the challenges ahead of you, but you may find it a bit difficult to overcome them sometimes. 

I don't want this game to be just about survival though, I want the player to trek across vast landscapes with a goal in mind. The player will obtain quests, complete puzzles, and interact with npc's in a way that gives a sense of progression and life to the long journey ahead.

In "The Chosen One," you are immortal when you are close to your revival crystal. The crystal holds magical powers that can bring you and your allies back to life upon death. As long as you have the crystal with you or are near by, you can enter a ghostly form and come back to continue the fight.

Games are often short lived and you will likely die many times before you get a hang of the current skill system dynamics and controls. Many things need polishing, but you will usually find yourself not blaming the game when you lose.


There are many enemies now in the game which are imported directly from the games own character creation system. This means I can easily add new enemies, simply by adding art and configuring their look in the editor. This also means if you make something awesome, you should share it with me, because it could end up in the game itself!

***You can find your character files in &appdata& in the game's directory.


I began working on a powerup / special ability system, and have a pretty solid foundation in place. There's even several that you can try out if you are able to reach the level requirements before you end up dead. You will find a fireball and one other spell, as well as ways to construct ladders and doors with your building skill. You may also scroll through to see what other abilities I have planned, as well as their level requirements.


Companion AI has been improved a bit, however still has issues deciding when to move after it has a target selected. It works most of the time, but can throw you off if you're expecting for him to step in when you need him and he doesn't.

Overall you will find that the game is just smoother in how it runs and transitions. Camera movement is smoother and dynamic with the situation, and the controls and fighting just feels more fluid. For now it remains a test room of survival, but will eventually evolve into an epic quest which very few will complete.



TheChosenOneAlpha2.0.zip 74 MB
Nov 14, 2018

Get Immortal Quest

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